May 12, 2020
The Mexican Congress is currently analyzing a bill to amend the Mexican Copyright Law (“LFDA” by its Spanish acronym), setting a levy as compensatory remuneration for private copying.
In general terms, private copying is any reproduction of artworks of lawful origin, made without any intention of profit and for personal and private use. Private copying is a limitation to economic rights, conforming section 148, subsection IV of the LFDA.
The bill was presented before the Congress by Sergio Mayer Breton, President of the Commission of Culture and Cinematography, with other members of said Commission. It proposes various amendments to the LFDA. In essence, the most important points are as follows:
III. The payment of compensatory remuneration shall cover solely and exclusively the reproduction of artworks of lawful origin, made without any intention of profit and for personal and private use.
In order to establish the levy, INDAUTOR will need to take into consideration the following parameters:
VII. The bill clarifies that the amendments proposed may in no case be interpreted as validating or authorizing the reproduction, distribution, making available or communication to the public of artworks or artistic performances. In no case shall payment of the compensatory remuneration for copying for personal use imply any assignment or transfer of economic rights in favor of the manufacturers, distributors, sellers or importer to pay, nor shall it establish a license for the reproduction of artworks and performances protected by the LFDA
VIII. It is established that the acquisitions of devices, technical instruments or equipment are exempted from the payment the levy of compensatory remuneration, in the following cases:
If INDAUTOR does not issue the amounts payable referred to in the foregoing paragraph, they shall self-determine the amount and pay the relevant collective management societies an equivalent to the ones listed, taking into account its technical and market characteristics.
The self-determination referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be notified in writing to the INDAUTOR within a period not exceeding 30 days, following the introduction into the national market of the device, technical instrument or equipment.
III. Image: 33.33% to photographers, 33.33% to painters, 33.33% to sculptors and plastic artists.
This bill was presented on April 21st, 2020 and must comply with the complete legislative process, it is currently pending the outcome of the advisory opinion, however, it is important to note that the bill has full support of the Commission of Culture and Cinematography.
OLIVARES partners and associates will actively participate in the monitoring and follow-up of the legislative process of this bill and we will continue to provide updates and reports on the progress that may arise.