Daniel Sánchez
Daniel Sanchez joined OLIVARES in 2000 and became a partner in 2011. He is one of the leading intellectual property (IP) and administrative litigators in Mexico and is recognized by industry rankings and publications.

Mr. Sanchez’s work is extensive, with experience in prosecution and litigation across all areas of IP, including trademarks, copyrights, patents and unfair competition. His broad background allows him to tailor enforcement strategies to a range of needs. His practice is focused in litigation and regulatory matters, with a specialization in life sciences and technology. Mr. Sanchez co-chairs OLIVARES’ Litigation Team, the Patent Team and the IT industry group. His team is focused on litigation before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) and the Federal Courts and in patent prosecution before IMPI. As one of the few regulatory and administrative litigation experts in Mexico, Mr. Sanchez guided the development and implementation of a revolutionary and proprietary software system that replicates the drug naming and labelling approval process within COFEPRIS, Mexico’s health ministry. This drastically improves the accuracy of advice about whether clients marketing authorizations can and will be approved. He also has led OLIVARES’ team in obtaining alcoholic beverage advertisement approvals from COFEPRIS.
Mr. Sanchez has authored various articles on IP and Life Sciences-related matters and he has lectured on IP topics in both national and international forums. He chaired the Intellectual Property Committee of the Mexican Bar Association from February 2015 to July 2017 and was Vice President of the Mexican Association for Intellectual for the Intellectual Property Association (AMPPI) 2014-2016. He is also a member of INTA, BIO, AIPPI, and has participated as an observer in APAA at various meetings.
- Chambers Latin America – Life Sciences, Band 3
- IAM Patent 1000 – Prosecution & Strategy, Bronze
- WTR 1000 – Silver – Enforcement & Litigation
- Universidad Panamericana Intellectual Property, 2000
- Universidad La Salle Juris Doctor, 1999
- Asociación Internacional para la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (AIPPI).
- Asociación Mexicana para la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (AMPPI).
- Barra Mexicana de Abogados (BMA).
- International Chamber of Commerce Mexico (ICC).
- Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO).
- English
- Spanish
Contact Us
Pedro Luis Ogazón 17, Col. San Ángel, 01000, Ciudad de México.
Phone 52 (55) 5322 3000
Fax 52 (55) 5322 3001
Email olivlaw@olivares.mx