December 10, 2020
The National Institute of Copyright published two agreements in the Official Gazette on October 30, 2020, in which it is established that, in view of the current sanitary conditions resulting from COVID-19, the reopening of activities in a total manner is not possible, so the services will be reopening in a gradual manner.
INDAUTOR established that prior to the general suspension of the pandemic, numerous requests were resolved that were not delivered to the public user. As a result, INDAUTOR will implement a strategy of delivery of resolutions and documents face-to-face, and has scheduled days and hours within the current suspension of the Institute for people to go in person (by appointment only) to receive the resolutions, as well as for the management of various procedures.
For this purpose, INDAUTOR will enable the tool called “CITAUTOR”, where you can schedule an appointment for the various procedures available with INDAUTOR.
INDAUTOR comments that the suspension of normal working conditions is maintained against the physical reception of applications for the procedures corresponding to this Directorate of Reservation of Rights, as well as against applications sent by courier.
Finally, INDAUTOR establishes in the second agreement that the suspension of the terms and conditions established by Agreement dated April 3, 2020, which continues the suspension of the legal terms and conditions at the National Copyright Institute due to force majeure, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on April 17, 2020, is not lifted and remains in effect.
OLIVARES will continue to actively monitor this, and our Partner Luis C. Schmidt and his team are available for any questions or advice that may be required in this regard.
Luis Schmidt luis.schmidt@olivares.mx; Sergio L. Olivares sergio.olivares@olivares.mx; Gustavo Alcocer gustavo.alcocer@olivares.mx; Alejandro Luna F. alejandro.luna@olivares.mx; Daniel Sánchez daniel.sanchez@olivares.mx; Abraham Díaz abraham.diaz@olivares.mx; Armando Arenas armando.arenas@olivares.mx