Armando Arenas
Armando Arenas joined OLIVARES in 2000 and became a partner in January 2017. He has experience working on a range of IP matters, including consulting and litigation on trademark, patent, unfair competition, trade dress protection, and misleading advertising cases before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), Federal Court of Tax and Administrative Affairs (FCTA), Federal Circuit Courts (FCC) and the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) Regulatory Affairs and Public Acquisitions.

Armando Arenas is a Partner at OLIVARES, he joined the law firm in 2000 and now co-chairs the Litigation group. He has experience working on a range of IP matters, including consulting and litigation on patents, unfair competition, trade dress protection, civil and administrative actions related to the IP matters before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, (IMPI), Federal Court and Administrative Affairs (FCA), Federal Circuit Courts (FCC), the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) and Civil Courts (CC). Mr. Arenas is especially adept in patent litigation and protection under Mexico’s patent linkage system, as well as recognition and protection of clinical data on medicines (DPE) and regularly handles cases with Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks COFEPRIS. He has extensive experience with regulatory matters under Mexico’s health laws and provides strategic advice in complex patent litigation cases and dispute resolutions in Administrative and Civil matters. His clients and representative cases span all sectors of the health industry, including pharma, biotech, medtech, diagnostics, animal health, vaccines, cannabis, and health services.
Representative Cases
- Obtaining through litigation the correction of the life term of pharmaceutical patents granted under transitory art. 12 of the law for the Promotion and Protection of Industrial Property, representing more the seven innovative companies.
- The declaration of infringement of patents that protect active ingredients, medical uses, pharmaceutical formulations and production processes of biotechnological drugs, to maintain the market exclusivity of their clients.
- He has also obtained the nullity of marketing authorizations (more than seven successful cases) of generic medicines for violating the Mexican Linkage System for the benefit of patent holders that protect active ingredients, pharmaceutical formulations and medical uses.
- Secured a judgment declaring the unconstitutionality of article 167 bisof the Health Supplies Regulation, as it does not provide the right of the titleholder of a patent to be heard during the prosecution of the marketing authorization.
- He has successfully participated in civil actions for damages to obtain the payment of compensations for violating the Industrial Property rights of the clients.
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Juris Doctor, 1995
- Arenas was invited as a professor to speak at the Panamericana University for a lessons on damages claims in IP matters.
- American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (AMCHAM).
- Asociación Mexicana para la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (AMPPI).
- Asociacion Interamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual (ASIPI).
- Barra Mexicana de Abogados (BMA).
- Israel- Latin America Chamber of Commerce.
- English
- Spanish
Contact Us
Pedro Luis Ogazón 17, Col. San Ángel, 01000, Ciudad de México.
Phone 52 (55) 5322 3000
Fax 52 (55) 5322 3001
Email olivlaw@olivares.mx